Saturday, October 2, 2010

The chuck show was pretty fun last night

It's going to get better end better

YouTube Video

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Well how die pardoner


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Thursday, September 30, 2010

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YouTube Video

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thoughts on Improv : The Who

I Went to rehearsal at the comedy spot last night and as usual I felt very insecure (to say the least) with my performances. yes its rehearsal a place were I should be able to fail miserably and be OK. but there is a point were practice should pay off and I have been thinking since last night and am hopefully coming to new conclusion that the ability I seek in Improv though it look like it intrinsic and some how flows from the Muses down from Mount Olympias down to the thespians on stage is actually going to take some for thought on my part.
Yes yes yes I know what you're going to say "the basics are very important" and they are the basis for my thoughts on improv well a certain aspect of the basics of a scene anyways the who, what, were anyways well the who specifically for this little blurb on my blog.
for Years now since I started at the comedy spot it has been drilled into my pee brain that when I initiate a scene with my scene buddy to not not know the person in the scene. that I am suppose to have some type of prior relationship with the person or persons.
Now I am going to ask more of a rhetorical question which is. Can all relationships spring from or go back to the relationships you see or developed from infancy to adult in nuclear family whatever that entails. I know the answer can not sum up all types of relationships in all given situations we pull from in improv scenes so do not think I am trying to be reducesanistic in my view of relationship choices in improv.
I am just saying a lot of how we relate to different people in the relationships we forge in life have a lot to do with what we learned from our family at home and can mirror those first relationships (Frued would so proud)
and layering certain sort of stereo typical nuclear relationships into a typical situation

here is an example from a scripted sit com of modern family the 1st clip sets it up the gay couple in the show is partying with there friend who makes it apparent she is jealous of there adopted Asian baby.

this second clip proves my thesis

Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama says we should be "separate" but "equal" when it comes to gay marrige

Saying a Group is Separate from the norm, negates them from being Equal by distinguishing them as Separate.

So the statement "separate" but "equal" is kind of illogical.

Or maybe its me.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Real Wealth well in a material sense

There has to be more to Life than this existence of waking up to go to a 4 by 3 foot cubicle to slave for some one Else's fortune
which is by all rights nonexistent since our money is not based on anything real but a bunch of zeros and ones bouncing around from server to server somewhere in the network clouds of the banking Internet of mount Olympus
And we have legal tender of that fact circulating here on earth in the form of fancy paper from turkey and fancy multi colored ink on top of It printed in the District of Columbia by the Bureau Of Engraving and Printing.
Each Bill weighs one gram and is made of cotton and linen. Red and Blue fibers are woven throughout the paper by the Manufacture.
Any Famous person chosen to be on the bill have to be already Dead hence the slang name Dead Presidents.
Since our Economy more than ever has to due with how much legal tender is in circulation and not how much wealth is in our coffers I guess it is one of the reasons we make sure we have one of the most cutting edge Military in the world.
Since our economy is based on what seems to be an elaborate shell game I guess one needs to look what real wealth is to this world Economy and for me or any one else with half a brain the conclusion is simple .... Resources.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gay Marrige

We live in a country were one of our constitutional rights is freedom of religion what ever that religion is or not to practice any religion. And the state will not govern or intrude in the Way a group decides to worship or even conduct them selves in that manner

But if we are a nation that grants this freedom from government intrusion into the church or temple or mosk or any other institsion of religion also it is logical to say that there has to be a barrier to protect the government from influence to keep it from changing from a democracy that keeps our freedoms intact and from being changed into something quite different.

We can look back and see that there is plenty of History to indicate that this is an evolving democracy filled with bad decisions based on ignorant times, but we have come along way and have strived in time to change. When we as a nation become aware that a certain group is being treated differently then the rest of its people. In the instance of Gay Marrige and the arguments put forth by our contempory religious leaders that some how it is an attack on tradional family values. They are trying to hold on to clearly ideas influenced by there belief that marriage is only between a man and a woman.

Is it not only hypocritical that these same groups want the government to protect there constitutional right to worship with out government intrusion yet they use the same government to force there beliefs and deny a group of people the same rights they enjoy.

By doing so and we the people of the Government not stepping up and putting and end to this tyranny aren?t we allowing a perversion of our democracy.

To you hypocrites did not Jesus speak out more against the religious hypocrites of his day condemning them for there corrupt and sinful actions.