Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gay Marrige

We live in a country were one of our constitutional rights is freedom of religion what ever that religion is or not to practice any religion. And the state will not govern or intrude in the Way a group decides to worship or even conduct them selves in that manner

But if we are a nation that grants this freedom from government intrusion into the church or temple or mosk or any other institsion of religion also it is logical to say that there has to be a barrier to protect the government from influence to keep it from changing from a democracy that keeps our freedoms intact and from being changed into something quite different.

We can look back and see that there is plenty of History to indicate that this is an evolving democracy filled with bad decisions based on ignorant times, but we have come along way and have strived in time to change. When we as a nation become aware that a certain group is being treated differently then the rest of its people. In the instance of Gay Marrige and the arguments put forth by our contempory religious leaders that some how it is an attack on tradional family values. They are trying to hold on to clearly ideas influenced by there belief that marriage is only between a man and a woman.

Is it not only hypocritical that these same groups want the government to protect there constitutional right to worship with out government intrusion yet they use the same government to force there beliefs and deny a group of people the same rights they enjoy.

By doing so and we the people of the Government not stepping up and putting and end to this tyranny aren?t we allowing a perversion of our democracy.

To you hypocrites did not Jesus speak out more against the religious hypocrites of his day condemning them for there corrupt and sinful actions.