Thursday, August 27, 2009

Beggers and Choosers

I used to watch an interesting show on I think Shotime called Beggars and Choosers it was was about a Television Network the Execs that ran it and the Actors and Agents interactions with them it centered allot around the agents negotiating deals and the Pitch men picthing shows
I don't know if I am esplaing myself good but what I got out of the show is in Life at different time we all are Beggars and Choosers
In my capacity as a Steward for a Major Union working for a Global corporation I definitely know what its like to be a beggar. Even though collectively we at times can Choose the destiny of the Leviathan for it being the soulless beast that it is.
Having to represent a part of the workforce for some time I have learned that if there is a perceived notion from a worker that a manager is picking on them or singling them out the best course of action is too confront the manger in a civil manner
if its just the imagination of the worker and the manager is not trying to single the worker out the manager will try to smooth things over
if the manager is singling and a personal problem it will probably get worse before its gets better but its necessary to draw it out to deal with it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

There made out of Meat

I know the question has been asked..

what would aliens think if they happened upon our quaint little planet?

I guess it would have to be up to who the aliens were and how similar or dissimilar they were too us or other life forms they found on earth.
What if they were way more advanced than us but sympathized with the plight of say cows shit we would be in trouble.

Here is an interesting spin on the question

Sometimes People Just Like to Vent

If I’m helping someone out with a problem and they keep repeating the same issue multiple times. Even if I have repeated a course forward on how to resolve said issue maybe even using different nuances to try to make said person to understand I do have a game plan to help them.

I think I can soundly come to one or two possible conclusions

1. They are venting and just need to vent
2. They are senile and there short term memory is like Swiss cheese.

Either way it’s all good.

You’re not the Judge of Me!

Why is it so important for man to be a success to leave a mark to make something for himself for ourselves in this world
Why do we have to constantly compare ourselves to others to there success to there failure to there wealth to there poverty
I know on the one hand without competition man would not reach the level of greatness we have reached i.e. Man on the moon, Nuclear power, microwave popcorn etc
But it also causes us to do nasty things too like exclude a weaker person from a team for fear of failure or putting crazy crap in our bodies to get a completive edge or kill a whole group of people who you might feel has the weaker religious belief than the Team your on.
That is if you want to compare world religions to Team sports.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mabey the Hindus Have it right . ? !

The Caste System seems to divide the different social and economic Classes in India more now in the rual areas but not so much in the major metropolitain areas that seem to be evoling weighther through globalization capitalism or pressure from the differnt humanitarian groups.

Still even now in the booming parts of india were people of all Castes have more oportunity than ever to carve out a more comfortable life . Were there once was walls built by generations of devoted Indians following a system going back thousands of years.
one has to ask have they been replaced by glass ceilings and is the Caste sytem really going away or just evolving with the times.

And one has to ask the bigger question of is the Caste system really a unique belief of the Hindus or a reflection of the Human condition and do we all partake in the folly of Caste system weather we want to admit it or not.

When I am most Aware

It seems I am Most aware of my self critic the one who is content with tripping me or beating me down into when I am on almost takes an intense level of concentration to ignore the brute. do I sound crazy?

Me my own worst critic

Do I just have one life to live? if so man I seem to be squandering it on bullshit I have stuck my truck in mud and instead of getting out and getting my hands dirty I choose to grind my gears and spin me tires and then complain the queestion is will I wise up before I run out of gAs?


I seem to be dissatified with almost all aspects of my life I don't know if it has to do with the times or the time in my life were there is an inate sense of self and self worth I am 42 and well dissatisfied